Hi guys,
fortunately the update seems to be relatively ok and smooth, though there are a few minor problems that I discovered. I waited for 5 days to make sure I get most of the bugs reported and so you can now download the Bug fixes package from the Downloads page (click the Bug fixes section in the menu on the left). There is a readme file, but it should be really simple. Just replace/add the files inside it in the corresponding directories on your server.
Of course if you discover any other bugs report them to me and I can always release a new fix package again.
Thanks Jachym!
Not sure if this is a ‘bug’ or an annoyance … in the summary block, the template seems to choose a darker color for the table background, but uses black as the font color – creating a difficulty to read the text.
I am using Beige as my color selection in the setup and a dark brown is used in the block table BGColor – http://weather.hoke.org/meteo for example.
I have tried other combinations and had similar issues – it is currently daytime now, so perhaps it is assuming a lighter color for the box?
I see, yes it is a bug, I forgot to set a separate CSS for the light theme. Will be fixed sometime today.