New Plugin – Steel Series Gauges for Meteotemplate

New Plugin – Steel Series Gauges for Meteotemplate

Hi guys,
let´s begin the new year with something you will hopefully enjoy and something I have been working on for quite some time. Before I continue, I would like to especially thank Mark Crossley for creating this script and letting me use it. I have modified both the original Steel Series script and Mark´s script to make it compatible with Meteotemplate and the database, the data retrieving script is different and I have also added many new features, and most importantly, completely converted the setup to GUI (colorpickers, drag/drop etc.). It will also automatically choose language and units based on your template settings.

Main features

  • interactive real-time updating gauges showing your data
  • tooltips with today´s min/max values
  • summary of current, today´s and yesterday´s data
  • interactive graphs
  • complete GUI setup
  • highly customizable
  • compatible with the template database, WD, Cumulus, WeatherCat, Meteobridge

Some of the changes I made to the original script:

  • interactive graphs are available for all data sources and include daily, monthly, annual graphs, where you can also select grouping
  • GUI set up page, where you can specify practically everything (colors using colorpickers, gauge order using drag&drop, look and feel of the gauges, disable/enable gauges and their features etc.)
  • new summary page (popup dialog with summary data table  and caching implemented)
  • possibility to choose gauge type for each parameter gauge
  • drag&drop gauge order
  • pointer speed selection
  • possibility to set gauge shadow options (transparency, size, color)
  • possibility to specify min/max highlight area (enable/disable, color, transparency)
  • possibility to specify rain gauge gradient color (I added some new gradients to the original script for more options)
  • possibility to specify odometer details (size, number of digits, background/foreground colors of main section and decimals section)
  • possibility to specify the knob color
  • added new customization features for tooltips – trigger (hover or click), animation time, tooltip delay
  • changed color gradients of the gauges (solar uses black->yellow, temperature blue->red etc.)
  • changed styling of tooltips and other parts to match the design you specified for Meteotemplate
  • auto use template language and units

You can basically set up absolutely everything and you don´t have to know a single line of code. I tried to make the setup page as intuitive as possible and in the demo you can also view this setup page on my server (this is a modified version in which you obviously will not be able to save the changes, this is only for illustration purposes, but once you install this in your template you will of course be able to see and save the changes).

Hope you enjoy it and thanks again to Mark for his great work.



15 thoughts on “New Plugin – Steel Series Gauges for Meteotemplate

  1. I am trying to understand where/how the wind run is calculated in the Wind Rose. I input meteobridge data but cannot seem to reconcile the two. I assume the Steel Series is a daily figure but it is always much higher in miles than what I can compute from MB.

  2. Hi Guy’s,

    Upgraded to 11 and installed this steel gauge plugin.. Using Meteobridge….database getting updated and my normal (current) showing correct readings. However Steel is showing Offline. It’s been running 12 hours and still shows offline.

    I’m sure i’ve really buggered something up because I can see the gauges in IE and Safari but not in Chrome!

    Any recommendations welcome.

    I’ll keep poking around forums looking for the answer as well

    • Hi Steve,
      sorry about that, yes I know why this is happening. I was about to update the liveGaugesMB plugin soon. The problem currently is in the mbLive.txt. It does not include date/time, so the only way of getting that is from the file creation time, which works, but only if you provide relative path, otherwise the server treats it as external file, for which the creation date cannot be retrieved. For now, you can fix it by simply providing relative path, in this case try “../liveGaugesMB/mbLive.txt”

  3. Jachym – this is actually one of the better implementations if SS I’ve seen.. One oddity is the spacing/alignment of the graph link icons.. ( under the pressure gauge there are two icons off spacing … clicking one brings up a pressure graph as expected .. the other does not appear to do anything but a popup that spins forever.

    Bug or Human (my) Error?

    • Hi John,
      thanks for the compliment. With regards to the graph icon – this is likely the Solar rad. icon. If you did not disable the solar gauge in the SS plugin setting, it is trying to display it and since it has no data, there is no gauge, but it also inserts this icon.
      See if that helps, if not, it is a bug and I would look at it. The reason the SS plugin does not take into account the solar sensor setting from Main settings is that some people dont use the db for this, but have the info in theri clientraw/realtime.txt

      • hah! Yep it was human error and this fixed it … Thanks again 😉

        Now to make a note that when I add the solar/uv sensors in the spring to turn them back on 🙂

  4. I’ve read the wiki, I built me menu from scratch based on it. After uploading the new menu.php my custom pages are gone.

    Educate me please, what am I missing?

  5. So, I have to lose or redo my customizations in menu.php to add this? I guess I’ll quit adding stuff. I thought you had moved beyond replacing menu.php every time we add a new plugin. What am I missing? What’s the point in the new menu system if we have to replace menu.php? That STILL trashes all custom work.

    • No, you need to read the wiki Jim, it explains how it works. You still need to update the menu.php so that it has info about the new plugin, but your menu setup is no longer saved in the menu.php, it is saved separately. Just update it, anything you did to your menu is not in that file.

  6. Wow Jáchym,

    I have been using these gauges with Weather Display, then Cumulus, and more recently with Meteobridge using the Saratoga templates.

    To have this integrated into Meteotemplate is a FANTASTIC addition and I look forward to installing.

    Simon (WessexWeather)

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