Hi guys,
on one hand I hate to spam or annoy people with emails, messages etc. On the other hand, I need to somehow be able to get information about Meteotemplate across to you. I have said in the last two newsletters that it is crucial you follow this blog RSS.
Yesterday I had to discontinue the radarEU block (data source no longer available), I posted about it here on the blog. Still, today I received 21 emails from people asking about it. I am happy to help you and I would be willing to reply to all these, but obviously this takes a lot of time and since my free time is quite limited it would be beneficial for all if I could spend it more efficiently (not to mention that you could get the answer immediately and not have to wait for me to reply).
This is not the first time this happened, I keep on getting questions about the icons issue on a daily basis.
Don’t get me wrong! Feel absolutely free to contact me (email, Skype, blog,…) anytime you need help, have a suggestion, find a bug… just check first if your question has not already been answered.
So, as I said, I understand the RSS feed for some might not be what they want to do, maybe you don’t use RSS readers. I therefore want to make this poll in which you can let me know what you would prefer. You can obviously choose more than one answer and you can also comment in the comments section below if you have any other ideas. I know how annoying it can be when someone sends you infinite number of emails etc. and I wouldn’t want Meteotemplate to be like that so I want to use the communication channel you prefer.
“Integrate blog updates to show on my homepage when logged in as admin” is my choice.
I check your blog just about every day. Please continue updating the blog.
Same thing for me, continue updating the blog. That’s the best source of information for all updates.
I will of course, the problem is that people dont read it… just got 3 emails today asking why recently released plugins dont appear in the menu, 5 emails asking why EU radar does not work today and another 2 asking why their icons dont work – all today….
So this was not to say I will stop one or the other, just want to see which one is the most convenient/popular.
Continue the blog as the main source of information.
Ditto Mehdi’s comment
Continue updating the blog. This is my main source of information for all updates. It would be great if a cookie could be used to show “updates since last visit”.