2 thoughts on “Block Update – Station Status 4.0

  1. I happened to notice the other day that my station was dropping out a bit more often than usual. While checking the live data tab on my meteobridge router I noticed a battery icon that I hadn’t seen before. Changed the battery and all is good.

    Jachym, could the API pull in battery status from the meteobridge feed to display on the Station Status? I don’t think it gives %, just a binary 0 = good and 1 = low or something like that.

    Anyway, just a thought.


    • Hi Ken,
      yes and the APi of course already supports it. The API supports much more than is currently used. I was just waiting for some clarification from Brian with regards to WD and what it sends for the “BAT” parameter in the API, but it will be used in the future. You just have to be patient 🙂

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