What happened to the Newsletter?!

What happened to the Newsletter?!

Hi guys,

as some of you might have noticed, I have not published a new issue of the Newsletter for quite some time.

After thinking about this for some time I decided to do things a bit differently. There were two major problems with the Newsletter. One was time. It took quite a lot of time to prepare and in the end it was mostly just recap of new things, which can easily be read here in the Blog. Next is the fact that my Linux laptop does not have MS Office and LibreOffice which I used for this is still not as good at creating these documents with pictures, tables etc.

One useful section of the newsletter was the Q/A (questions-answers). I therefore decided I will post these Q/A posts directly here in the Blog. If you want to read about recent updates then simply use one of the communication channels available (this Blog, Meteotemplate Facebook page, my personal Google+ page or my personal Twitter, or the recently released mtBlog block).

Posting these Q/A here in the blog rather than in the Newsletter will actually have two advantages:

  • possibility to comment on the answers – each blog post has the possibility to comment so you can provide feedback for whatever I answer, which was obviously not possible in the Newsletter
  • I will include keywords/tags in each of these posts which will make it possible to search these. So for example when talking about some mobile version issues I will include the tag “mobile” and searching the Blog for “mobile” will then list all posts related to this – also something not possible in the Newsletter and something that I am sure will be useful because many times people have asked for something I already answered in the Newsletter, especially new users, and obviously they don´t want to or have the time to read and search for the answer in all the past issues

I will base these Q/A on the questions I get from you in general by email, Blog, forum etc. in cases where I think it might be useful for other users as well (I will obviously not include questions directly related to your page and I will also never include your name, these will only be general anonymous questions with my answer, related to the template as such).

All these posts in the future will include the tag “Q/A”.

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