Meteobridge – support for Meteotemplate

Meteobridge – support for Meteotemplate

Hi guys,

as some of you know already, Boris, the Meteobridge developer, decided to make changes with regards to the Meteobridge licensing and updates.

More info:

In short – you will only get free updates for 2 years. After that you will need to pay extra 20 euros otherwise you will not get new version updates – which unfortunately also includes bug fixes. I have to say I strongly disagree with this, especially since Meteobridge heavily relies on external sources (station firmware, services) and a change in those can lead to your device being useless. I exchanged several emails with Boris about this, but he said he will not change this (at least for now).

I have also expressed my opinion here if you want to read more about what I think:

As a matter of fact, just in the yesterday’s release, there is already one minor bug fix for Meteotemplate. We agreed on this with Boris some time ago, unfortunately back then I didn’t know I and many others will never see this update unless we pay more. Fortunately, it is not a crucial thing so your Meteotemplate updates will work just fine even with the latest free version of Meteobridge – v. 3.2.

Being a regular paying MB user myself for over 6 years, I was offered a free developer key for Meteobridge. However I emailed Boris that I will only use that key if he offers free at least bug fixes for older users. Currently his stance is he will not. I respect his decision and there is not much I can do obviously. However, I will in this situation also stay with v3.2, not use the free key I was offered and make absolutely sure Meteotemplate works even with this version, in other words, you will not have to pay extra just because you need support for Meteotemplate. It is a limitation for me in case I ever need to make some changes to the api, but again, not much I can do.

I therefore only wanted to inform you about my opinion about this and let you know that you do not have to pay extra just to get Meteotemplate and Meteobridge working together.

20 thoughts on “Meteobridge – support for Meteotemplate

  1. Is anyone in the group that has upgraded to 3.3 having any problems? Anyone that has upgraded to 3.3 and all is working fine? I’m seeing one problem with MT listed on MB forum.


  2. Hello Jachym,

    Boris released the version 3.3. He fixed “adds some checks on providing correct API URL when feeding Meteotemplate sites.”
    I can assume that the API interface is running? I did not notice anything.


    • HI Alex:

      Are you running 3.3 and it’s working normally? I saw some reports that Meteobridge was returning database update errors in some who upgraded to 3.3. I don’t want to let mine upgrade if there are errors, but need the screen updates for my pro unit included in 3.3.


  3. It is important to point out that updates will remain free for Meteobridge Pro according to his forum. One of mine is a Pro and the other is not. I still have a year left for updates on my regular Meteobridge as it was purchase a year ago, so I am not affected yet. Personally, I don’t mind donating $20-25 every two years to Boris for updates, just as I want to donate now and then to Jachym for his great work. MB and MT are much more reliable than what I was doing before with my computer based software. I would really like Boris and Jachym to keep working together.

    • plně s Tebou souhlasím, Jáchym by měl využít volného klíče a dál pokračovat v jeho skvělé práci, aby byla zaručena kompatibilita meteotemplate – meteobridge

      • Souhlasím s Pavlem. , myslím, že Jáchym by měl využít volného klíče a dál pokračovat, aby byla zaručena kompatibilita meteotemplate-meteobridge. Já si osobně myslím, že cca 10 euro ročně nikoho přece nemůže rozhodit….vždyť to jenom ušetříte tím, že nemusíte mít PC zaplé 24/7 jako například u Cummuluse, který jsem používal před Meteobridge! Děkuji moc Jáchyme!

        • Ahoj,
          no ono právě naopak, já chci zustat u staré verze, protože pak budu mít jistotu že to funguje všem, nehledě na to, že s tim prostě nesouhlasim. Když už ani bug fixy nechce vydávat, tak pak to měl udělat pro nový uživatele, ne pro stávající.
          Naopak budu všem doporučovat ať mu nic neplatí navíc, pěkně mě nas*, tak ať si to vyžere, na plno forech už lidi psali že jako já to doporučovali, ale s tim je konec. On si to pak možná ještě rozmyslí… 70 euro neni málo, je to víc než stála celá moje stanice a navíc já to mam 6 let a za těch 6 let tam nová fuknce neni ani jedna, ani jedna. Jen občas fixnul nějaký bug nebo přidal novou síť, jako třeba MT.

          • ok, pokud to bude i nadále fungovat perfektně jako teď, podpořím Jáchyma a nekoupím, já měl obavu, že to přestane fungovat úplně.

            • ok, na základě doporučení od Jáchyma jsem si koupil Meteobridge a i můj kamarád z Francie, Thomas a teď je problém. Jinak čas ukáže…

            • Ne, to určitě ne. On mě tim spíš dal do obtížné situace protože nemůžu s APInou nic dělat. Mně to jedno neni, ale třeba WU to klidně změní, proto mi jeho přístup vadí. Větší společnosti kašlou na nějaký MB

  4. Jsem z toho smutný 🙁 , co to tedy pro nás uživatele meteotemplate znamená? Teda pro ty, kteří licenci zaplatí a pro ty, kteří si licenci nekoupí? Jáchyme, budeš pokračovat v podpoře meteotemplate-meteobridge, co doporučuješ licenci koupit, či nikoliv?

    • Ahoj Pavle,
      to je přesně to o čem jsem v tom postu psal. Boris mě naštval, napsal jsem mu ať si ten klíč zdarma pro mě strčí někam a nepoužil jsem ho. Zatím to problém neni, ale pokud budu chtít někdy z nějakého důvodu udělat změny v APIně bude to problém. Rozhodně doporučuju každému to nekupovat. Ať si …

  5. Hello Jachym,

    I bought myself the meteobridge 2 months ago. API support was crucial. I would be sorry if the combination Meteobridge and MT would not work anytime and anymore.


    • Hi,
      yes I know, but as you probably understand it is a difficult situation becuase basically I can make absolutely no changes since Boris will not fix MB for free anymore… Right now I see no reason why any changes should be made, but who knows and this puts me in a difficult situation. I strongly disagree with it too. And I refused the free key I was given, I told Boris that I will only use it if everyone gets free bug fixes. And if any other service (not just MT) changes API or station has new firmware and something stops working, you wont see a fix unless you pay extra.

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