Live Gauges 2.0

I have received lot of positive feedback about the recently published Live Gauges plugin and also some interesting ideas. A new version is now available, which adds some of these as well as fixes some minor bugs. The plugins in version 2.0 are available for all the softwares – Weather Display, Cumulus and Meteobridge.

New in Live Gauges 2.0

  • four brand new designs with slightly different layout and gauges for wind/gust
  • four new layouts also include time of update
  • now fully responsive
  • bug fixes
  • optimization

In the demo at, you can try the new designs, which are index6.php, index7.php, index8.php and index9.php. Also, version index9.php at meteotemplate shows you what the gauges look like if you do not have a solar sensor.


For installation see the posts for version 1.0 ( and


If you are upgrading from version 1.0, simply replace all the files except settings.php and so there is also no need to set up anything again.

DEMO – please note: the demo uses dummy random data and the WD gauges, but it is exactly the same for the other SW. To see all versions simply view the demo and then replace index.php by index2.php, …. , index9.php

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