Meteotemplate Updates

Meteotemplate Updates

Hi guys,

I have received several emails asking about whether Im ok given there were not many updates recently. The truth is that the past week was not easy for me due to some personal problems, but hopefully things will be ok again and in fact I have a whole lot of new things ready, which I intended to release today but because I again didn’t feel very well again I post-poned it to most likely tomorrow.

However I can assure you can look forward for some yet new blocks, plugins and many updates. It is just easier for me to release these things from my office given how many times the page completely crashed as a result of me trying to upload stuff via my laptop at home.

Best regards to the 699 of you


2 thoughts on “Meteotemplate Updates

  1. This comment goes out to all in the meteotemplate community. Jachym bust his tail for this project because it is a labor of love and passion for weather hobbiest like most of us. Though he has done some great framework on this template above and beyond we as a community can contribute. There are some smart minds out there that can add to building blocks and or pkugins to help out in making this one of the best weather site templates out there and keeping it free of ads and fees. Some times we all have to take a break from a project to regroup so if there are no immediate updates then things are working good , however if we all help improve on the process then this would take some of the weight of just Jachym doing all the work. Post ideas, suggestions, and othet wants/likes maybe someone may already have a solution that can be worked it the current format. I see a lot asking for stuff but not much contributing to the project. Currently I am working with several groups for ideas of blocks and plugins for local weather stations. Keep this Project Alive and Submit Ideas!

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