Poll of the Week

Poll of the Week

Hi guys,

last week I asked whether you prefer astronomical or meteorological seasons (i.e. seasons beginning on 1st of the month or 21/23rd).

The end result was 10:9 so pretty much a tie, 50% of people prefer one and the other half the other. Personally I prefer the meteorological seasons because it much better reflects reality. At least in my country, for example, using astronomical seasons, first half of June is spring, while first half of September is summer, even though June is on average much warmer here than September. Likewise, it is much more “winter” in the first half of December than in first half of March.

That said, given the results of the poll, I will leave you to choose this just like until now in the Main settings (for the footer, menu etc.). The only exception is the Seasons script, which uses meteorological seasons since it would be very complicated and take much longer to calculate in MySQL if astronomical seasons were used (I would not be able to use simple grouping by months).

Anyway, new poll for this week is on the left 🙂


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