7 thoughts on “New Block – Croatia – Forecast

      • Hmm, maybe in way that there will be image with combobox below it which contains list of possible time increments, and each link would point to coressponding increment (Aladin Rain 3h, 6h, 9h etc), same thing would apply to wind forecast. Default view would be set on 3h.

        Or maybe, if this is possible, instead of combobox to have ruler with silder below images, ruler would have 3h increments on scale 0 to 72, and when moving slider on each 3h image would change?
        Im not sure if php can support such type of dynamic behaviour.

  1. Nice Jachym, this will be very useful for local ppl.

    Could you maybe do something similar for ALADIN model forecast which is also available on dhmz site, or to include it into this block? Rain and wind forecast are most useful.

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