V16 – Known Bugs

V16 – Known Bugs

Hi guys,

over the course of the last few days I put together a list of things which are not working correctly and need fixing, so far I have this:

  • control panel – database update setup does not trigger redirection to the correct page -> will be fixed
  • missing Guadelope squared flag – will be added
  • precipitation normal units are not being saved when opening the setup page again – will be fixed
  • block/plugin auto-updates/installation – this is unfortunately not working for many people and based on some test scripts I created, in some cases the problem is not in the code, but in communication. HTTPS servers have a problem and some http people as well. I did not introduce this feature earlier because I feared this and in the end I thought I will give it a try to see. Unfortunately it is not working as i want to and so I will be removing this. Everything will be done the way you are used to by downloading the files from my website.

If you find any other problems let me know in the forum, I will wait a few more days. It will take some time before I fix the above anyway.

7 thoughts on “V16 – Known Bugs

  1. Oh!!!
    Sad to hear you are going to remove auto-updates. In my case is working like a charm! (Linux server, no https, Safari browser).

    Hope you can fix it anytime as it’s just amazing!!!

    Thank you very much!!

    • It looks like it is not possible to fix. The problem is in a block from some providers or in a missing extension, which again, cannot be added by people who do not have their own server (including me).

  2. Hi Jachym
    Since you are going to add guadalupe squared flag, could you please also add the other missing squared flags?
    At the time I installed MT16, squared flags missing (not showing in the metar Weather block) were:
    bf, bm, cg, cv, gf, gp, kz, re, sn, tw.

  3. Not that it maybe part of a problem but my update worked yesterday. I clicked the circle on Blocks and bing updated. Only thing I noticed in v16 which is minor is on the control panel Language Files button is missing some letters, however this could be just in my view of it. So far been outstanding.

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