New blocks, block updates, plugin update

Hi guys,
another set of new blocks is now available as well as a new feature in one of the plugins and an update of one of the blocks.

New blocks

Forecast EC

This new block for users in Canada shows the 7-day forecast as well as the detailed forecast, including temperatures and icons, from Environment Canada.

Clock – digital

This new block is very simple and shows the current date and time in digital form. You can choose if you only want to show the time, or if you want to show the date as well. The styling can also be specified in the settings (color, bold, italics etc.). It will automatically update every second.


WL-IP plugin/current block

It is now possible to show the current UV also for users that use the WL-IP (WeatherLink) plugin for updating the database. If you want to use this feature and have UV sensor data available, first download the updated version of the plugin. Then, in the plugin settings specify the UV parameter to true. Then download the updated version of the “current” block and in the settings, set the updates to “wl” (explained in the settings).

European Warnings – regional

Bug fixes.




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