Stickers update + New block – Indoor Conditions

Hi guys,

a few new things and updates.

New Block – Indoor conditions
A new block which allows you to show current indoor conditions (temperature and humidity). This only takes current data, nothing is saved in the database. Currently supported SW is Weather Display (clientraw), Cumulus (realtime) and Meteobridge (mbLive). For the last one, you will also need to download a new updated version of the liveGaugesMB plugin. If you want to update this plugin, simply download the liveGaugesMB, replace the files, especially the new mbLiveCreate.php and then, make sure you also change the string you use for creating this file in your Meteobridge control panel. The new string is shown in the documentation for the plugin.

Updated – Live Gauges MB
The plugin has been updated to allow showing current indoor conditions (see above).

Stickers – version 2.0
I have also updated the stickers plugin. The new version 2.0 improved the current 800x150px sticker which many of you use as a signature/banner. The new version now also includes date and time when the conditions where measured and I have also cleaned up the unit labels and the rounding is now correct (no more 3 decimal places for rain in mm…). In addition there is a brand new sticker, 800x170px, which shows more detailed info. It is used just like the 800x150px one, it also includes image of your station, you need to select your station. How to do this is described in the stickers.php file. Basically all you have to do is go to the stations directory inside the plugin directory, choose the station you want and then replace the station.png in the plugin root folder.


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