New block, block updates, new language files

Hi guys,

several new things.

New language files

First, the fall/autumn, railway/railroad etc. dilemma is now solved…. a „new“ language is now available. I changed some strings in the original gb.php and that now corresponds to British English. And there is a new file us.php, which corresponds to American English. Big thank you goes to Justin and Dale for helping me with this!

Block updates

US radar

It is now possible in the settings to specify “vertical” or “horizontal”. If you choose vertical, it will look just like now, i.e. the national and regional radar images will be below each other. Setting the parameter to “horizontal” will place them next to each other, which is ideal if you have the radar in some wider column

Rise/set block

The block is now expandable and in the collapsed view shows the day length differences and a pie chart of the current day length in comparison to the longest day.

New block

Partner stations

This block now allows you to put conditions and link to weather stations of your friends etc. The only condition is they have their data sent to WU. In the settings, you specify their WU ID. Everything is explained in the settings.php.


Hope you enjoy it


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