Deprecated Blocks – France Radar, Climate France, Forecast – France
Hi guys, as mentioned in my previous post, due to complete redesign of Meteofrance, the following 3 blocks were removed and no longer work. radarFR forecastFR climateFR Sorry, not much I/you can do.
New Block – France – Climate
Hi guys, this block allows you to choose a station in France from the MeteoFrance network and it will show you an interactive graph of long-term averages, including max/min temperature, record max/min temperature, precipitation or sunshine hours. DEMO Enjoy
New Plugin – Climate France
Hi guys, I created a new plugin for French climate. Main features: past climate data (temperature and precipitation) for France and its individual regions and specific cities future climate predictions using several models No need to setup anything, just upload to your Plugins directory and update menu.php. DEMO Enjoy