Block Update – Riset 5.0

Hi guys, I updated the rise/set block: New: summary table with info about longest day length, shortest day length, equinox and corresponding differences from today added visualization of station latitude relative to the Earth changed night icon (better reflects “night”, Moon could be misleading) fixed CSS for light theme bug fix – now displays everything … Read moreBlock Update – Riset 5.0

Block updates + very important info about bug fixes

Hi guys, I would like to inform you about a major change in the way bug fixes are released. As with many other things (translations, homepage etc.) over time I realized things are not ideal the way they were made at the beginning. The current model of handling bug fixes is one of the things … Read moreBlock updates + very important info about bug fixes

New block, block updates, new language files

Hi guys, several new things. New language files First, the fall/autumn, railway/railroad etc. dilemma is now solved…. a „new“ language is now available. I changed some strings in the original gb.php and that now corresponds to British English. And there is a new file us.php, which corresponds to American English. Big thank you goes to … Read moreNew block, block updates, new language files