Page Speed – Extra tip
Hi guys, one major tip I forgot to mention yesterday with regards to speeding up your page is turning off the interactive header (I turned it off for the DEMO too). Enjoy
Hi guys, one major tip I forgot to mention yesterday with regards to speeding up your page is turning off the interactive header (I turned it off for the DEMO too). Enjoy
Hi guys, I decided to give you some tips how you can speed up your site. Go through them in the order as they are listed and continue until you think your page is fast enough. The first tips will require no changes on your page so they are the ideal. Then later I get … Read moreHow can I speed up my page
Hi guys, one thing that is special about Meteotemplate and not used by the other major weather website templates is the use of database. This obviously has many advantages, many of the statistics and graphs shown by Meteotemplate would never be possible in the other ones, on the other hand, just like anything, this has … Read moreSpeed
Hi guys, this is something several of you asked me about. Our goal is always to try to make our websites load as fast as possible. To “help us”, Google created a tool called “PageSpeed”, and in fact there are several other similar services, which give your site a score based on how optimized it … Read morePageSpeed Insights