Hi guys,
due to recent changes in Google Maps API, an API key is now required.
Existing users still have 90 days to make the corresponding changes, but I recommend the following update to everyone.
First go to meteotemplate.com Downloads section and download the latest bug fixes package. Then follow the instructions in the readme file. Once you have all your files updated and set up, you can update the following plugins, mostly it is just the change with Google Maps, in a few cases however, I also did some minor tweaks:
Updated plugins:
- usExtremes 1.1
- earthquakes 2.2
- disasters 2.2
- cityConditions 2.2
- userMap 1.2
- countryDetail 1.1
- climateUS 1.1
- climateCanada 1.1
- issTracker 1.2
- windDirection 1.1
- marine 2.1