Plugin Update – Snow 4.0 + Menu update

Plugin Update – Snow 4.0 + Menu update

Hi guys,

I updated the Snow plugin. For the majority of Meteotemplate users the winter is about to start, so I thought it would be nice to make your life easier again and also add some new features.

The updated version now groups the monthly reports by years, this means you will see them nicely grouped by years instead of just one long line of reports.

In addition I added a few missing translations in the plugin.

Another new thing is that the new menu.php now has the option to directly enter snow information. Just like the other admin actions, if you are logged in as an admin, you will see a new tab in the menu “Admin” and in this tab there is now also a link to the page where you add snow.




3 thoughts on “Plugin Update – Snow 4.0 + Menu update

  1. Any thought to have the snow database auto populate with the data entered in our Weather Software, similar to how we are uploading other station information?

    • Hi,
      the problem is that all SW report this differently and many people use update methods that dont have snow data, this is always a problem when parameters are not unified. It might be all slightly different, Im considering a major change in the way all data is entered to the template, but I wont say more at this point because it is still just a thought and will depend not just on me.

  2. Like the new entry method.
    Is it possible to be able to enter snow statistics prior to 2013.
    I have data back to 1995. Not saying I need it back that far but several more years would be nice

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