Hi guys,
I noticed this plugin was not localized, so this updated version is now fully localized and translatable.
Also thanks guys to all of you who wished me good luck for the exam, I hope it goes ok (I have it on Friday).
Meanwhile I am intensively working on Meteotemplate 10.0, you really have something to look for…..
What I personally am waiting for is a snow-plugin that doesn’t need a value for snow-depth. I think this one is only for someone who has an infrared or an ultrasonic instrument to measure the height of snow. (Hand measures – when? In the morning, midday or in the evening?)
However, I am very curious about what V10 will bring us… 🙂 (for me I am sure a lot of work to get my template to what it looks before in V9 😉 )
BTW: You will do the exam with your left hand, I think. :-))