New page – Bugs/Suggestions

New page – Bugs/Suggestions

Hi guys,

as part of the planned upcoming optimization, I have also created a new section at, called Bugs/Suggestions.

In this section, you can directly report bugs or send ideas for new features. Your issues will be emailed to me and I will then review them and add them to the table.

In the table you will then see the issue descriptions, date they were added/last updated, their current status and my comments. I hope this will again make it more efficient and make a good start for the upcoming plan

I will review all the issues submitted, the possible states will probably be:

  • In progress – being worked on
  • Resolved – issue solved (meaning either the suggestion was realized or the bug was fixed) – this will also include information of whether the resolved issue has already been released or will be released in the next version
  • Deprecated – for reasons given in my comments the issue is deprecated (irrelevant, impossible to realize etc.)
  • Considered – not yet decided about whether it will be realized or not (this can for example be in situations where I need to find suitable data source and I havent been successful yet or when there is a bug that I have not yet found a way of solving and therefore am considering what to do next)

Main advantages

  • helps me to keep track of what the current issues are
  • saves time to me and you because it will prevent duplicate issues being emailed to me
  • easy way of directly sending your suggestions/bug reports from the page

If you have any suggestions of how to further modify this new page please let me know.

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