Hi guys,
if you have a problem where you cannot see any icons in the menu (and a few other blocks) when you are logged out and not logged in as an admin, or cannot see the icons at all, try adding the following lines to your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </IfModule>
It work!
Just for info, in my case i have correct information from installation. But i must manualy activate .htacess at hosting administration (ceskyhosting.cz)
In my situation , i delete the above and my problem fixed ….
Works for me as well
This didn’t work for me. Should this be added before, within or after my existing IfModule tag?
To be quite honest I dont know, I know very little about servers, see if you can find an answer on Stackoverflow or ask there, I wish I could help you, but Im using external webhostnig and on my server it just works and I never used my own server or learned these things
great, works for me