Meteotemplate is now compatible with NetAtmo weather stations + new blocks

Finally after weeks of trying I fixed all the errors and scenarios with regards to authentication for the NetAtmo and Meteotemplate is now compatible with the NetAtmo weather stations API and these stations can therefore be used for the updates of the database. Instructions how to do this are available in the wiki (requires the … Read moreMeteotemplate is now compatible with NetAtmo weather stations + new blocks

User map plugin and Database info block

Meteotemplate map of users A new plugin is now available – the Meteotemplate users map. Since some of you asked for this, I created a plugin which is basically exactly the same as the users map at Installation: Download the file, extract it and upload it to your plugins directory Go to and … Read moreUser map plugin and Database info block


Meteotemplate now finally has a proper documentation, which hopefully will make the installation process much easier for those who would like to start using Meteotemplate. I also emphasized and explained things that I am most often asked about. New wiki has been updated to reflect all the new features of Meteotemplate (translations, data imports, new … Read moreNew WIKI!

New plugin – Station Extremes

A new plugin is now available, which allows you to clearly view station extremes. You can choose the parameter you are interested in, choose the desired time interval, sorting direction and grouping and you get a list of the corresponding values, also shown on a graph where you can clearly see when those values were measured. … Read moreNew plugin – Station Extremes

Global Snow – update

The Global Snow plugin has been updated. This new update only contains changes reflecting the changes made on the external NOAA server from where the data were taken. It should now work fine again. If you are only updating the plugin, simply replace the original world.php with the new one. Version 1.1 is available for … Read moreGlobal Snow – update

New graphs and Users section

An updated version of the Extended Graphs plugin has just been released. This update now contains brand new pages and graphs. First new graph is basically just like the original graph, but this time there are two parameters which you can compare side by side. In addition you can set graph type, color, grouping etc. … Read moreNew graphs and Users section