Meteotemplate updated to version 1.2

New update of the meteotemplate core files is now available. This update includes several important bug fixes, little design tweaks, security fixes and the banner now uses different data source, which not only does not require API key, but based on testing of several users, provides much more accurate results. Also the settings dialog box no longer flashes on each page upon loading.

Also, the template is now available in new languages (just add them to the available options in your config.php)! Current version supports:

  • English
  • Czech
  • Danish – thanks to Steen
  • Spanish – thanks to Javier
  • Italian – thanks to Maxs
  • Dutch – thanks to Friedo and Ron
  • Norwegian – thanks to Bjørn

Update instructions

Download the update files from the meteotemplate website download section. This file only includes some of the files necessary for the update.

Update does not include:

  • Images and icons folders
  • Custom folder for your own sites
  • Config.php – no changes in this so you don´t need to set up everything again, the only change in this file is that since Danish language is now available, you can add this option in the langAvailable string so that it shows in the settings
  • Plugins folder – plugins work on their own and are updated separately
  • Pages/other
  • main index
  • menu items

Update procedure:

Simply replace the original files with the new ones (or add new ones). It is necessary however to make sure you change all the files updated. Some changes will only work if other files are also changed.

Header now uses Yahoo weather as data source. For the data, the template uses your default location saved in config.php in the stationCountry and stationLocation parameters. If this is not set properly, the forecast will not work.
stationCountry is ISO-2 country code of your location – see
stationLocation is the name of your town – if you need to further specify this, use an abbreviation for the region/state, separated by comma (for example “mytown,ny”)
Also, after you replace all the update files, delete the headerCache.txt file in the root folder. The new banner will create this file again, but using a different format, which is now used.

Here is a list of new features, changed things and fixed bugs with detailed instructions where any other setting is necessary. This can also be found in the change log.

Version 1.2 – August 18th 2015

NEW – Header interactive banner now uses Yahoo as data source and provides much more accurate results

NEW – daily and monthly reports now have a button to expand/collapse all tabs

NEW – Page with database info now displays time span of database availability

NEW – Main weather station page now also shows time (below the date)

NEW – new languages available

CHANGED – minor tweaks in css/main.css due to new header

SECURITY – all pages were now secured against SQL injections!

BUG FIX – trend graphs did not work on some servers

BUG FIX – solar radiation no longer appearing in daily reports if solar sensor set to false

BUG FIX – main climate page header centered and font reflects template settings

BUG FIX – calendar now works even if database is shorter than one year

BUG FIX – all pages for long-term statistics displayed incorrect month for the first year in the database, if this was not January

BUG FIX – settings dialog box adjusted so that it does not flash upon loading of each page

BUG FIX – settings dialog box now correctly appears above the menu

BUG FIX – apparent temperature in WWO forecast is now properly converted

BUG FIX – some language corrections on the monthly report page

BUG FIX – CSV export is now only available if some parameters were chosen (corrupted file no longer created)


3 thoughts on “Meteotemplate updated to version 1.2

    • Hi,
      yes you are right… well it is because it was originally not there and I probably did not add it in all pages later on, I will try to add it and will be part of next update.

  1. Update to ver 1.2 went well. Only issue still trying to resolve is the new Yahoo current conditions header for my location.

    Again well done Jachym.

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